Crutches are a standard solution for people with lower limb injuries or conditions, but using crutches can also come with its own set of challenges. From discomfort and pain to mobility limitations, crutch use can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. Crutchgecko

 Physical Discomfort

Prolonged use of crutches can lead to physical discomfort and pain in the underarms, hands, and wrists. This is due to the constant pressure and weight put on these areas while using crutches. Pain and discomfort can also occur in the legs, hips, and lower back due to the shift in body weight.

Limited Mobility

Crutches can limit your mobility and range of motion, making it difficult to perform simple tasks such as reaching for items or climbing stairs. This can be particularly challenging for people who are recovering from an injury or living with a condition that affects their mobility.

Balance Issues

Maintaining balance can be a challenge when using crutches, especially for individuals who are unsteady on their feet. This can increase the risk of falls and further injuries.


Prolonged use of crutches can be physically demanding, leading to fatigue and exhaustion. This can be incredibly challenging for individuals who have to use crutches for extended periods of time.

Difficulty Navigating Obstacles

Crutches can make it challenging to navigate through obstacles such as stairs, uneven surfaces, or crowded spaces. This can be a significant challenge for individuals who use crutches regularly and need to navigate through these obstacles in their daily lives.

Inconvenient and Uncomfortable

Crutches can be problematic and uncomfortable to use, especially for individuals who have to use them for extended periods of time. They can be cumbersome and difficult to carry, making it difficult to perform simple tasks such as shopping or traveling.

Psychological Impact

The limitations and challenges associated with crutch use can also have a psychological impact, leading to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and depression. This can be particularly challenging for individuals who have to use crutches for extended periods of time.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember that crutches can also provide significant benefits, including reducing weight-bearing on an injured limb, improving mobility, and reducing the risk of further injury. To overcome the challenges of crutch use, it’s important to incorporate the right accessories into your crutch use. This can include crutch pads, handgrips, wrist straps, underarm pads, crutch bags, crutch feet, or forearm crutches.

Upgrading your crutches with the right accessories can significantly improve your experience and reduce discomfort. For example, if you suffer from pain in your underarms, using crutch pads can provide added comfort. If you have difficulty navigating obstacles, crutch feet can provide added stability and reduce the risk of slipping.

In conclusion, crutch use can come with its own set of challenges, including physical discomfort, limited mobility, balance issues, fatigue, difficulty navigating obstacles, and psychological impact. However, by incorporating the right accessories into your crutch use, you can overcome these challenges and make your crutch use as comfortable and safe as possible. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or living with a condition, it’s important to take care of yourself and invest in the right comfort accessories.

I know what you’re thinking: “Someone should have invented smarter crutches by now”

I was thinking the same thing. So, in case you haven’t guessed by now, we have developed a new product to solve this and many other common issues for crutch users.

The product is called crutchgecko.  It can help you overcome all of the above problems related to climbing stairs with crutches.  If you want to learn more the product can be found here.